Hey Ladies, Today let's chat about IF breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day??? I don't know about you, but I was conditioned to believe it was. As a child, my family lived by the rule of eating three square meals per day and starting the day off right, meant eating breakfast.
I'm here to tell you breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. If you are serious about fat loss and improving your bodies composition, start by skipping breakfast, as soon as possible. I mean it! Quit breakfast tomorrow. Let me explain.
Our body is either in a fed state or a fasted state. The fasted state begins 8-12 hours after your body stops digesting. We rarely allow our bodies to reach this state when our insulin levels are low and our body turns to our fat stores for energy. Instead we eat early and often throughout the entire day which keeps spiking our insulin. Our body is only able to burn our glycogen and our fat stores stays put. Intermittent Fasting is the solution. It is not a diet but an eating regiment. There are so many benefits to this eating schedule. I adhere to this protocol on a daily basis and I absolutely love it! Here are some of the benefits: Lowers insulin resistance, lowers inflammation, reduces the risk of Alzheimers, increases our mental clarity, increases our human growth hormone (HGH), regulates our blood sugars and our hormones, reduces stubborn belly fat and aides with overall weight loss.
I am a huge proponent of intermittent fasting. I recognize that it is difficult to change our mindset with the lifetime of conditioning that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Please remember, this is entirely a myth. The literal meaning of the word breakfast, you'll see is made up of “break" and “fast." Skipping breakfast is one key to taking weight off, but it is only one small component of an overall healthy lifestyle.
If you are looking to effectively burn fat, we must do these things.1) Eat the right food, at the right time for the right reasons. 2) LIFT heavy to develop lean calorie-burning muscle3) Engage in fasted cardio and HIIT/metabolic training4) Maintain the proper and positive mindset
We cover all of this info and more in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program. So many clients LOVE how this program lays everything out simply. You won’t feel deprived and miserable. You won’t be a slave to tiny little containers stuffed with food, or hour long workouts every single day. You won’t have to spend hours researching how to put all of these things together. All of this is already done for you and it is PROVEN that it works.
Thousands of women from all walks of life have truly changed their lives as a result of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.
You could keep spinning your wheels, feeling exhausted and not seeing results.
Or, you could sign up for the last round of the FASTer Way this year and start burning fat while everyone else is putting it on! You’ve got a decision to make.
Do the things you’ve always done and get the same results, or you can do something different, and get different results. You hold the power friend!
Do NOT miss out on changing your life in this huge way? Spots are limited and filling up fast. Grab one of the last by clicking