Whole foods provide nutritional value (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, water), are naturally occurring, and are free from additives or other artificial substances.
Processed foods are pre-packaged items you typically find in the grocery store that have been modified from their original, whole-food form. Preservatives have been added and the original natural food has gone through some kind of process to make it last longer and/or taste better.
Processed foods are highly cravable, immediately gratifying, and easy to over-consume quickly (and often cheaply).
Refined sugar is also found in MANY processed foods. Which is what makes them taste so delicious!
A few good examples of whole vs. processed foods:
Oranges vs. OJ
Steel cut oats vs. Cereal
Peanuts vs. most peanut butters
Strawberries vs. store-bought strawberry jam
Whole wheat grains vs. whole wheat bread
Here are a few tips for identifying and eating whole foods:
Ask yourself: How was the food made?
Found in nature and has gone through little or no processing
Free from additives or other artificial substances
If bought in the store, has just a few ingredients and you can actually pronounce all the ingredients
I believe in teaching people to eat better and MORE whole foods, not restricting and eating less. If you would like to work together, I’d love to chat with you more about your health goals. Send me an email or leave a comment and I will reach out!